News - Cobra Financial Solutions Ltd

The latest news and perspectives from the world of debt collection & recovery

What the ‘economic shock’ will mean for you

24/11/2020 | No Comments | News

This week, Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor will be pledging funding for a variety of institutions...

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How to do Christmas on a budget

16/11/2020 | No Comments | News

Grief, loss, lockdowns, redundancies, unemployment and isolation – what a year 2020 has been. So...

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What 40% of us are hiding from our partners

11/11/2020 | No Comments | News

New research from The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) indicates that nearly 40% of us...

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How to get your client to pay

28/10/2020 | No Comments | News

We’ve all been there. You deliver a service or product, but the recipient just doesn’t...

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5 ways to avoid bad debt

21/10/2020 | No Comments | News

2020 will forever be clouded by coronavirus, yet it is also the year of entrepreneurial...

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Reclaim Your Festive Finances: Putting an End to Your Debtor's Christmas Splurge

Will your debtor be enjoying a Christmas funded by you?

05/10/2020 | No Comments | News

Christmas 2020 seems like a world away. With the second wave of coronavirus now gaining...

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COVID-19: The shocking impact on business

25/09/2020 | No Comments | News

A recent report by the ONS, which surveyed a wide range of businesses in the...

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Off to court? Join the queue

14/09/2020 | No Comments | News

There are 524,000 magistrates’ and Crown courts waiting to be heard in the UK. With...

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Don’t destroy our SMEs

07/09/2020 | No Comments | News

Debt charities are calling for a freeze of collections to help struggling businesses. But Peter...

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The shocking impact late payments have on your mental health

17/08/2020 | No Comments | News

The latest research by Pay.UK, who run the Bacs Direct Credit and Direct Debit payment...

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COVID finances uncovered

07/08/2020 | No Comments | News

Are we in a recession? How bad are unemployment rates? And how will we pay...

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4-types-of-debtor - Cobra Financial

4 types of debtor

28/07/2020 | No Comments | News

It is estimated that up to 8.3 million people in the UK owe money. And...

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Cobra Financial Solutions: Answering Your Questions

03/07/2020 | No Comments | News

What service do Cobra Financial Solutions provide? We are one of the largest and most...

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COVID And The Courts: Expect A 10-Year Delay

06/07/2020 | No Comments | News

Yes, you heard it right. Courts in England and Wales could now face a 10-year...

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A Devastating Blow

26/06/2020 | No Comments | News

Drifting on a wave of economic uncertainty, the United Kingdom is only now beginning to...

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