News - Cobra Financial Solutions Ltd

The latest news and perspectives from the world of debt collection & recovery

My Employer Owes Me Money. What Can I Do?

05/05/2023 | No Comments | News

There is no denying the excitement of payday, but this can be quickly stripped away...

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Can I Take a Company to Small Claims Court?

24/04/2023 | No Comments | News

A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that only individuals can be taken...

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Should I Try Small Claims Court Before Debt Collection?

13/04/2023 | No Comments | News

A lot of people assume that small claims court is the easiest and quickest way...

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What Methods Do Debt Collection Agencies Use to Collect Debts?

04/04/2023 | No Comments | News

Though you might know roughly what a debt collection agency does, you might not know...

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Do I Need a Solicitor for Small Claims Court?

28/03/2023 | No Comments | News

One of the main methods of recovering a debt is to take the debtor to...

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What’s the Minimum and Maximum You Can Claim in a Small Claims Court?

20/03/2023 | No Comments | News

Before you take your debt recovery efforts to a small claims court, you know to...

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Overview of UK Debt Collection Regulations

15/03/2023 | No Comments | News

A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that debt collection is a Wild...

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Need a New Debt Recovery Solution? Choose Cobra Financial Services

13/03/2023 | No Comments | News

There is a range of debt recovery solutions out there, but not all of them...

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As Recession Looms, Make Sure You Collect Your Debts

01/03/2023 | No Comments | News

It’s hard to avoid the news about a looming recession and rising inflation. Many people...

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How Do I Ask Friends or Family to Pay Back the Money They Owe Me?

25/02/2023 | No Comments | News

A lot of us will lend money to a friend or family member in need,...

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Debt Collection

An Overview of UK Debt Collection Regulations

17/02/2023 | No Comments | News

A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that debt collection is a Wild...

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small claims hearing

How Does Small Claims Court Work in the UK?

10/02/2023 | No Comments | News

There is a lot of information out there about small claims courts in the UK,...

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How We Keep You Informed of Our Progress Collecting Your Debt

30/01/2023 | No Comments | News

No two debts are alike and no two debtors act in the same way. This...

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The Benefits of Engaging International Debt Collectors

26/01/2023 | No Comments | News

The Benefits of Engaging International Debt Collectors There is a lot of work that goes...

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Internation Debt Collection

What are the Challenges Involved in International Debt Recovery?

19/01/2023 | No Comments | News

A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that international debt recovery is a...

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