Why You Shouldn’t Trust No-Cost Debt Recovery - Cobra Financial Solutions Ltd

No-nonsense, straight-talking debt collection service

“No-cost” debt recovery. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Almost too good to be true some would say. But what if that debt recovery agent went and recovered your money, went rogue and suddenly disappeared with it, leaving you shocked and stunned.

Recently, more and more no-win, no-fee management companies are popping up on Google trying to reel customers in with inviting prospects of “no-cost” debt recovery, targeting people with very direct and very believable ads.

It’s a scam! Don’t waste your time with these chancers. Here’s exactly why you shouldn’t trust them and instruct Cobra instead: the debt recovery experts.

You Get What You Pay For

When searching for a debt recovery service that best suits your requirements, you may be tempted by the offer of “no-win, no-fee” debt recovery. But don’t be so quick to take this at face value.

Many of the debt recovery agencies not charging any ‘upfront’ fees often don’t have a comprehensive or speedy approach to recover your money when compared to the likes of us here at Cobra.

Also, a lot of these contracts are littered with hidden clauses and liability costs that’ll be passed onto you at a moment’s notice should they have to.

Hidden Costs

Speaking of hidden clauses, there’s no bigger hidden clause than a massive, big cost. Indeed, while “no-cost” debt recovery sounds simple enough, there is always much more than what meets the eye; and, judging by most reviews online, this is not always made clear enough.

To combat such issues, make sure to always check that any agency that you instruct is accredited and authorised. Remember, you’re placing your reputation in their hands, so be sure to deal with an agency who doesn’t take such a thing so lightly.

Poor Communication

Let us guess, this “no cost” agency were incredible communicators right up until they took the case, then silence as soon as the contract was signed or, even worse, when the money was recovered.

We’ve heard countless stories of agencies going quiet on people when they recover monies owed to their clients. Don’t be caught out! Make sure to read the reviews before going ahead with such debt recovery agencies.
Take Cobra for example, we are the number one rated debt recovery agency on Trustpilot. Check out our glowing reviews here.

Use a Professional Debt Recovery Service That’s Worth the Money

At Cobra, we don’t offer “no-cost” debt recovery. Instead, we offer debt recovery that is both affordable and dependable.

This gives you confidence that you will receive a quality service; we will do everything in our power to chase down your debt and recover your money, from advanced surveillance techniques through to face-to-face debt collection that always protects your reputation.

Our portfolio includes a wide range of industries, from corporate clients to independent sole traders.

Here at Cobra, our dedicated agents will visit your debtor and get your money back, face-to-face. No waiting around, no messing about when it comes to your money.

Get in touch with one of our dedicated team on 0151 526 4222 to discuss your case in further detail.

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3rd September 2024 - Attention Client.

As you should have been made aware by your Cobra account manager we are in the process off moving over to a new update system, you can therefore no longer access the previous portal system.

Should you in the next 7-10 days have information that you would like to send across for your case file or if require a update can you please email info@cobrafinancial.co.uk, include your reference number and the team will duly reply.

Meanwhile please bare with us and allow the team 7-10 days from today to get you up and running on the new system.