Why Our Debt Collection Officers Wear Bodycams - Cobra Financial Solutions Ltd

No-nonsense, straight-talking debt collection service

If you know anything about debt collection officers, you will know that a lot of them wear bodycams. There are a number of reasons for this, some of which we have detailed below. Not only do bodycams help to keep our officers safe whilst they are chasing difficult debts, but it guarantees that every interaction is recorded for accountability and clarity purposes.


When a client hands over the debt collecting to us, they are putting a lot of trust into our officers. They are trusting that we will act in a legal, professional and respectable way when dealing with debtors. However, as the client is not there to witness the exchanges, there is always a risk of a debtor claiming that someone acted in an inappropriate manner.

With bodycams, we can show our clients that we are conducting our work in a professional and legal way. Though we would always do this regardless of whether our debt collection officers had bodycams, the evidence is useful should there ever be a disagreement in how work is carried out. With all our debt collection visits recorded, any allegations can be quickly dismissed and disproved using video evidence.


A lot of people underestimate the risk that comes with being a debt collection officer. Though it’s generally a safe occupation, it’s impossible to know if danger is lurking around the corner, and some debtors can become agitated when a debt collection officer turns up at their home.

The majority of debtors we pursue are not violent and despite not wanting to repay the money they owe; they remain calm and approachable. But that is not to say that the threat isn’t there occasionally. The presence of bodycams reduces the likelihood of a debtor becoming violent towards one of our offices. Bodycams act as a strong deterrent to any individual who may have otherwise resorted to verbal and physical acts as a way to avoid paying their debts. Our officers can approach a debtor, knowing that their safety is paramount.


There is a lot of back and forth as a debt collection officer, and miscommunication with a debtor is always a possibility. Not only are some debtors unwilling to accept the information that’s being conveyed, many are willing to claim they were purposely told incorrect information.

With a bodycam, there can be no miscommunication as to what is owed to who. Plus, any false allegation of mistaken identity can be disproved in a matter of seconds as we will have a clear record of the situation.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits that come with our debt collection officers wearing specialist bodycams. Not only does a bodycam offer an extra level of safety and security to the debt collection officer themselves, but it allows us to showcase our professional and high-quality debt collection work to clients. To find out more about any of our debt collection services, get in touch with our dedicated team or give us a call on 0151 526 4222.

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