How to Make a Small Claim Online - Cobra Financial Solutions Ltd

No-nonsense, straight-talking debt collection service

We can all agree that being owed money is stressful, especially if it’s a significant amount and you’re faced with a debtor that refuses to pay. One way to claim the money back is by making a small claim online, a process which enables you to claim amounts under £10,000 using an online government service. Below, we take you through making a small claim online, and explain how the process works.


Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Small Claim Online

  • Inform the Other Party of Your Intent – Before you make a small claim online, it’s a good idea to let the other party know what you are planning to do. This gives you a chance to negotiate a solution before starting the claims process. If a solution cannot be agreed, you can file a claim.


  • Fill in a Claim Form – To start a small claim online, you need to complete a claim form, which can be done online. This form will detail the basic facts of the claim, such as how much is owed and who by. Once complete, the court needs a copy of this form, as do you and the defendant.


  • Wait for the Defendant’s Response – Once you have submitted the claim, the defendant can choose to admit the claim and pay in full, dispute the claim or admit part of the claim. If the defendant doesn’t respond, the court will issue a default judgement and request the money. If the case can’t be settled, a court hearing will take place.


  • Provide Documents and Further Information – Before the hearing, the court might require more information from you about the money owed, and you might be asked to supply more documentation. All documents also need to be shared with the defendant.


  • The Court Hearing – This tends to be a relatively informal hearing, often taking place in a judge’s room and not a courtroom. The judge will give both parties the chance to argue the case, before deciding on how to proceed. They could decide to make the defendant pay, or they could dismiss the claim completely, leaving you out of pocket.


Cobra Financial’s Alternative Debt Recovery Solution

At Cobra Financial, we know that making a small claim online can be time consuming and costly, and there’s no guarantee of success. If a judge doesn’t rule in your favour, you are unlikely to receive the money that’s rightfully yours. Even if you do win, there’s no guarantee that your debtor will actually pay, and many choose to delay things further.


This is why our experts offer an alternative solution, a way for you to recover the funds that are rightfully yours, without the stress and complexity that comes with handling things yourself. By handing everything over to our debt recovery experts, you can sit back and relax, knowing that we are doing everything we can to ensure your money is repaid as soon as possible. Contact our debt collection agency today to find out more.

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3rd September 2024 - Attention Client.

As you should have been made aware by your Cobra account manager we are in the process off moving over to a new update system, you can therefore no longer access the previous portal system.

Should you in the next 7-10 days have information that you would like to send across for your case file or if require a update can you please email, include your reference number and the team will duly reply.

Meanwhile please bare with us and allow the team 7-10 days from today to get you up and running on the new system.